no9 Footsteps Package just landed in Unreal Marketplace. If you are Unreal Engine user then it might be worth checking. It is quite big and as name just states it contains various walking sounds:
Yet another collection of footsteps sounds is available in Unity3D Asset Store from now. Footsteps pack 3 is kind of different approach offering wide spectrum of sounds ranging from natural sounds of humans walking in shoes, animals to monsters, robots and cartoon or arcade games characters.
Every type of sound comes in up to two similar but distinguishable variations (let’s say for the left and the right foot) which should be used one by one and additional modulation should be applied by the engine (pitch/lfo, volume, reverbs) for the flavor.
Footsteps pack 3 gives you flexibility when prototyping a game. It is also fine to use in “less than AAA titles” like arcade type of games, 8-bit/oldschool stylized, fantasy, sci-fi, shooter, you name it, games.
This was my old attempt to implement footsteps sounds in Unity 3D which I did use to test my sounds (it was used, inter alia, here /footsteps-in-unity3d/) some time ago. If you need some easy example, then it may help you. Or else. It is written in C# in Unity3D 4.x but it is still works with Unity 5.x. It uses Resources.Load which maybe isn’t the most efficient way of loading sounds to the memory but it is an easy one. It works with default First Person Controller. The script supports switching footsteps type based on splatmap detection and object collision.
To contains two scripts footstepsSound.cs and footstepsSoundClass.cs. In order to work you need to creat it into your project and attach footstepsSound.cs script to First Person Controller. Continue reading “Footsteps Sounds in Unity3D C# code example”